By moms. For moms.

Father’s Day Activities for New (and Expectant!) Dads

Father’s Day Activities for <br> New (and Expectant!) Dads

Father's Day gift ideas

Father's Day ideas

A first Father’s Day is an opportunity to reconnect with your partner and celebrate them for embarking on this parenthood journey with you.

Father’s Day can also be a time to acknowledge those in your life supporting your transition into motherhood, whether it’s your own father, a co-parent, friends, or other parent figures in your family’s life.

Consider the following options for celebrating the dads who enrich our lives in so many ways. While some are geared toward new dads, we’ve found that many of them work well for veteran dads too.

Have any other great ideas for fun Father's Day activities? Comment below!

create a scavenger hunt

Send him on a sentimental scavenger hunt.

If you’re on an early-morning schedule anyway, why not have a little fun with it? Let Dad sleep in while you strap your baby into the carrier so you can set up. Create a series of clever clues leading to locations throughout your home, culminating in a Father’s Day card and a small gift.

As you’re doing this, you can have the coffee brewing and a favorite meal like French Toast Casserole or Bacon Cornbread cooking in the oven.

Get outdoors with family

Get outdoors.

A family day date in the great outdoors is a fun way to spend quality time with Dad, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. Grab the carrier, sling, or stroller, and enjoy the sunshine. Nature offers the perfect chance to reconnect away from the distractions of technology, chores, and errands.

  • Hike – If you’re not sure where to go, search online for the nearest “kid-friendly” hiking trails. If you’re a member of a Facebook parent group, you can find more information by asking local parents for suggestions of quiet, low-key hikes. Bring sunscreen, water, and snacks, and plan for an easy dinner, as you’ll all likely be exhausted by the day’s end.
  • Swim  Most babies have a natural love of water, which makes swimming an ideal activity. Scope out a warm pool with an ozone filter if possible. Buy an age-appropriate floatation device to give your baby a thrilling sense of buoyancy. Also worth considering for an extra-festive twist: matching family swimwear. Sunday Swim Day can be a Father’s Day special – or it might be so much fun, you’ll make it a weekly ritual.

  • Bike – For the active dad, a baby bike seat or trailer can be a rewarding splurge. A leisurely bike ride has a way of clearing the mind, particularly if you live in an area with dedicated biking trails.

  • Fish National Go Fishing Day is on June 18 each year, but you can celebrate a couple of days later if the dad in your life is the sort who enjoys a day on the water. Besides, what makes a better dinner than a fresh catch? Make sure you protect your baby from the sun by using a shaded carrier and hat, and stick to smaller streams. Expect to take a few breaks for diaper changes, picnicking, and play.

  • Golf – If the dad in your life enjoys golf, he may appreciate a few hours of solo tee time. Alternatively, you can go mini-golfing. While most kids won’t develop much of an interest in mini-golf until around five or six, babies might be interested in the colorful balls and windmills.

  • Garden – Some dads find gardening to be relaxing. A study from the Netherlands found that gardening was better at reducing stress than reading. For your baby, spread out a picnic blanket with toys for tummy time while you and the eco-conscious dad get your hands dirty. 

keepsake for Father's Day

Create a keepsake.

Family art projects can be a fun and relaxing way to spend an afternoon. Purchase and organize the supplies in advance to make the activity effortless. Your baby may be too young to join in, so have a swing or playpen ready, or plan your art project around your baby’s nap schedule.

  • Scrapbook – What better way to make use of the thousands of baby photos you’ve taken than putting them in a scrapbook? Get a bunch of photos printed and then get stickers, borders, scrapbook paper, and stamps to give you plenty of creative liberty. Relive some great memories, while creating a keepsake for years to come.
  • Shadow box  Using an old dresser drawer or a picture frame, you can assemble highlights of fatherhood. Select photos, ticket stubs, pamphlets, newspaper or magazine clippings, apparel, and other sentimental mementos you’ve collected, and paste or place them in the different compartments. The result is a cool piece of artwork to hang wherever Dad wants. Search online for great inspiration.
  • Movie – If you’re tech-savvy, create a movie called A Day in the Life of Daddy & [insert child’s name here]. Film Dad going through a day of diaper changes, feedings, naps, and playtimes to capture a funny and thoughtful snapshot of what life as a new parent is really like.

    It doesn’t have to be high production value (we know how busy you are). You can even do a photo montage. Both you and the dad in your life will love watching the footage with your child when they’re older. 

photoshoot for Father's Day

Start a photoshoot tradition.

Start a tradition of Father’s Day photoshoots. Looking at how much your baby changes from year to year will delight both you and the dad in your life.

  • D-A-D – Most craft stores (brick-and-mortar or online) have giant letters you can buy to create a three-photo spread of your baby holding up D-A-D. Recreate the scene each year. Lying down on a flat surface usually works best for babies, but search online to find other ideas for the perfect staging.

  • Nostalgia – Wistful dads may enjoy recreating with their baby the childhood photos they took with their dads once upon a time. Sift through old albums for ideas – perhaps a push on the backyard tire swing or a trip to a favorite park. If his father is still living, you can also arrange to recreate one of those childhood photos.

  • Generations If you’re celebrating fathers, grandfathers, and even great-grandfathers this year, be sure to assemble everyone for a multigenerational photo. Another fun idea is to take a picture of your baby holding a framed photo of Dad, then a picture of Dad holding a framed photo of his father, and so on to create a collage that contains at least three generations of fathers. Recruit helper “photographers” if you’re not able to be with the older generations in person.

Father's Day barbecue

Throw a Superdad party.

Some parents have friends or siblings who also have young kids. Host a backyard barbecue to give everyone a kid-friendly place to convene. If you’re celebrating your own father, your father-in-law, and your grandfather, you may find the Superdad party a better option than running around town trying to celebrate all the dads. (It’s also nice being close to home for nursing and naps.) Here are a few tips to make the day go smoothly:

  • Make it a potluck or consider having it catered to alleviate some of the stress.

  • If it's in your budget, hire a cleaning service before and/or after the party.

  • Set up a bounce house, water table, playpen, ball pit, or sandbox to entertain the kids.

  • For adults, set up bocce, horseshoes, a Frisbee/disc golf course, or any other favorite activities.

family karaoke

Host a family karaoke night.

All babies love music – and many dads we know do too! With apps like Baby Karaoke or Lullaby Karaoke and games like Rock Band or Guitar Hero, you don’t need a fancy karaoke machine for the occasion. It doesn’t take much to entertain a new baby – a fake microphone and a few YouTube karaoke tracks will often do!

eating out for Father's Day

Grab a quick bite to eat.

Dining out isn’t always easy with a baby, but open-air establishments offer a lower-stress option. It can be as simple as going to a stand for great hot dogs, ice cream, or burritos. Beachside dining is also fun, as are cafes with patios. Add in a post-meal stroll (with Dad wearing the baby carrier) for memorable quality time.

gift ideas for Father's Day

Consider getting him what you would want.

Think about what you would want for Mother’s Day. As parents of a newborn or young baby, you might want similar things – whether or not that was true in the past. Check out 20 Great Ideas for Mother’s Day Gifts for some Father’s Day gift inspiration.

Setting up the nursery

Bonus! Some great Father's Day activities to do with your partner when your first baby’s nearly here

  • Make a point of spending time together painting, building the crib, or decorating the nursery.

  • Splurge on a nice grill and cook a great meal.

  • Gift him a “New Dad” kit – whatever you think that means for the dad in your life. Go sentimental (a sweet frame just waiting for a baby photo) or funny (Advil) – or both!

  • Plan a “babymoon” getaway – whether that's renting a local Airbnb for a night or going on a big adventure.

  • Visit your local toy store and bookstore for a few special items, like a pull-toy or book he loved as a child.

  • Hire a professional photographer and spend the day doing a baby-themed photoshoot.

  • Buy movie, concert, or sporting event tickets for him and his best friends to enjoy a night out.

  • Have a movie night with a father-related film like Juno, Knocked Up, Look Who’s Talking, Big Fish, Parenthood, Field of Dreams, To Kill A Mockingbird, or The Pursuit of Happyness. You can even make it a movie marathon!

The urge to plan a special day full of fun activities Dad will love is understandable, but you’ve got a lot on your plate with a new baby in the house – or on the way. You don’t have to surprise the dad in your life with elaborate or expensive plans. Take comfort in knowing that many dads prefer the simple pleasures – quiet cuddle time with their family, a gummy baby smile, or a thoughtful card.

Some dads will appreciate it if you come up with the plan and tell them exactly what will happen. For other dads, it may be better to float a few options so they can choose how to spend the day.

With a new baby, there may be some hitches in the plan, but keep it light – and remember, you’re doing great!

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