- Areola, n. the dark circle of pigmentation around the nipple
- Breast Crawl, n. a newborn’s instinct to move toward the nipple and suckle
- Cluster Feeding (also “bunch feeding”), n. a breastfeeding pattern with several feedings close together
- Colostrum, n. a yellowish breast milk, rich in antibodies and high in protein, produced from the end of pregnancy through the early days of breastfeeding
- Engorgement, n. an uncomfortable fullness of the breasts, experienced at any time during breastfeeding; most often within the 36 hours after delivery or when moms first wake up in the morning if their babies don’t feed at night
- Exclusive Pumping, n. moms who bottle-feed their expressed breast milk to their babies
- Expressed Breast Milk, n. breast milk, siphoned from the breast by hand or pump, which is used for storage or feeding
- Extended Breastfeeding, n. the act of nursing a child past for more than a year
- Feeding on Demand, n. the practice of feeding at the first sign of baby’s hunger cues rather than on a set schedule.
- Foremilk & Hindmilk, n. terms for the milk produced at the beginning (foremilk) and end (hindmilk) of a particular feeding
- Flanged Lips, n. a sign of proper latch: lips curled outwards while nursing, resembling fish lips
- Galactagogues, n. foods, medications, or supplements that increase milk supply, such as fenugreek, blessed thistle, alfalfa, or oatmeal
- Inverted Nipples, n. nipples that cave inward, rather than protruding fully
- Kangaroo Care, n.: a type of bonding that involves skin-to-skin contact and baby-wearing to stimulate feelings of closeness and well-being.
- Latch, n. the way a baby attaches to the nipple
- Let-Down (also “letdown” or “let down”), n. a hormonal reaction to breast stimulation that causes muscles to bring milk into the ducts
- Lip Tie, n. a tight frenulum (skin between the lip and the gum) that impedes breastfeeding
- Liquid Gold, n. breast milk
- Mastitis, n. an inflammation of the breast tissue, usually caused by an infection, often identified by flu-like symptoms and a rash
- Milk Blister (also “bleb” or “nipple blister”), n. an open milk duct covered by skin, pain may persist several days or weeks
- Nipple Shield, n. a silicone cover for the nipple that may help with breastfeeding issues
- Overactive Let-Down, n. a forceful ejection of milk from the breasts during feeding that may cause issues while nursing
- Oxytocin & Prolactin, n. the hormones responsible for milk production
- Pre-Feeding and Post-Feeding Weights, n. a method used to calculate how much milk has been consumed in a feeding session.
- Plugged Ducts (also “Clogged Ducts” or “Milk Stasis”), n. a backup in a milk duct resulting from milk being produced faster than it is expressed
- Reverse-Cycling, n. a period when a baby nurses more at night than during the day
- Rooting, n. an active sign of hunger evident as a baby moves the head around looking for a nipple to latch on to
- Thrush, n. a yeast infection causing white patches on an infant’s tongue and mouth, can also cause pain in the mother’s breasts or nipples
- Tongue Tie, n. a condition where the lingual frenulum (tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth) is short and tight, restricting tongue movement and breastfeeding ability.