By moms. For moms.

24 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & What to Know

24 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & What to Know | Kindred Bravely

second trimester symptoms


You’re in month six of your pregnancy and only two weeks away from the start of your third trimester. It might be time to start prepping freezer meals if you’re feeling up to it. Check out our Top Five Freezer Meals for ideas. You may also want to start researching pelvic floor exercises that will help your body prepare for labor, as well as postpartum recovery.  

On your radar this week: the glucose tolerance test. This is a routine test that screens for gestational diabetes. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a glucose screening test is typically done between 24 and 28 weeks, but some people are tested earlier if they have certain risk factors. You’ll be asked to drink a sugary beverage and wait one hour before having your blood sugar measured. We think it tastes like flat soda, but fair warning: some moms find it to be awful, especially if they’re still having morning sickness. If you fail the first pregnancy glucose test, you’ll typically move on to a three-hour-long test.

At 24 weeks pregnant, you can feel the top of your uterus around two inches from your belly button. This week, your baby is as big as a pomegranate – a great pregnancy snack filled with vitamins and nutrients needed for fetal development. Studies show that pomegranate juice may also help prevent some pregnancy complications.

how big is my baby 24 weeks

24 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Blurred Vision

Pregnancy impacts nearly every part of your body, so don’t be surprised if you notice vision changes too. Your pregnancy hormones reduce tear production, which can lead to dry, irritated eyes. 

Fluid buildup – also caused by pregnancy hormones – can lead to a change in the curvature of your eyes, which can affect your vision. Changes in the thickness of your cornea can make your eyes more sensitive too, especially if you wear contacts. 

Your vision will most likely return to normal after you give birth, but be sure to let your doctor or midwife know if you experience any sudden changes in your vision, which could be a sign of preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. 


Migraines are different from typical headaches, which we covered in Week 15 of our pregnancy week by week. A migraine is a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. Migraines can often be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound; they can last for hours or even days. 

If you’re experiencing migraines for the first time, you’re not alone. It's common for pregnant people to have their first migraine during pregnancy.

Write down what you ate, where you were, and what you were doing just before the onset of your migraine. You’ll be able to share this information with your doctor and possibly identify some likely causes. 

Common triggers for pregnancy migraines include glaring lights, excessive heat or cold, tobacco smoke, and even some foods like cheese and artificial sweeteners. 

Talk to your OB-GYN or health care provider before taking any migraine medication. 

pregnancy hemorrhoids


We bet you know all about itchy skin and pregnancy stretch marks, but you may not know that your entire body is feeling the pressure of pregnancy, including the veins in your rectal area. These swollen veins are known as hemorrhoids – which are extremely common during pregnancy – and they can be painful and very uncomfortable. 

Keep the area clean by using warm water along with your favorite two-ply toilet paper. Make sure to be gentle when wiping, and don’t linger too long on the toilet. Switch to wipes made with plain water if you find TP to be too harsh. You might also find relief from a warm bath, but ensure the water isn’t too hot. And always wear undies with 100% cotton gussets.

baby development second trimester

Baby on Board

At week 24, your baby is around 11½ inches long and weighs about 1 pound. They will begin gaining weight steadily now, at a rate of about 6 ounces per week.  

Under Construction: The Brain

Brain development is consuming more than 50 percent of the total energy used by the fetus! Your baby’s brain now communicates with their eyelids, and your little one might blink when startled.

Other important developments are in the works, including the sensation of pain. At 24 weeks, your baby might respond to pressure, movement, pain, hot, cold, and light. Your baby might even begin responding to stroking motions on your bump! Keep a list of your baby's movements so you can identify patterns in their reactions.

Under Construction: Fetal Hearing

Your baby’s inner ears are now fully developed. This helps with their sense of balance and can help them determine if they’re right side up or down in the womb. 

If your baby hears a certain song now, they’re more likely to recognize it when they’re born. Keep this in mind postpartum when your little one fusses; studies have shown that babies are comforted by songs they recognize. 

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What to Wear This Week

Try our Signature Sublime® Contour Nursing & Maternity Bra on for size if pregnancy weight gain has you feeling less like yourself. This pregnancy bra features molded cups that define, separate, and shape. The low-cut neckline and “ballet” style back make this nursing bra easy to pair with your favorite nursing T-shirt or strappy maternity dress.

This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice that has been medically reviewed. Please reach out to your midwife or doctor with any questions.

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