Welcome to week 19! You’re well into your fifth month of pregnancy, and with only 4 months left to go, you may feel like there’s a lot to do to prepare for your baby’s arrival.
Don’t panic! You still have plenty of time to get everything you need for your baby. Try to schedule some self-care this week: take a nap, read a book, check out a prenatal yoga class, get a pedicure for your sore feet, or do something else you enjoy.
Your baby at week 19 is as large as a mango! Mangos are high in vitamin C and vitamin A, so if you're craving a sweet treat, pick one up on your next grocery run. Check out our list of 20 Healthy and Delicious Pregnancy Snacks for more healthy snacks.

19 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Abdominal Pain
As your baby continues to grow, you may begin to experience round ligament pain and abdominal cramping.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), your abdomen may ache on one side or the other (or both sides) as the ligaments that support your uterus are stretched. For more information on round ligament pain, head to our Week 14 blog post.
Abdominal cramping can be caused by bloating, constipation, and sex (increased blood flow to the abdominal area and a more sensitive cervix can lead to those post-sex cramps).
Looking for relief? Try placing a warm towel, washcloth, or hot water bottle on the aching areas. Just as with period cramps, the targeted warmth should help. For quick relief, we recommend our Soothing Belly & Back Gel Pack, which can be used for hot or cold therapy.
If you experience abdominal cramping that doesn’t go away with rest, get in touch with your doctor.
Shortness of Breath
Feel like you can never catch your breath? You’re not imagining it. It could be caused by nasal congestion, another lingering pregnancy symptom.
If you notice yourself inhaling and exhaling more frequently these days, it could be because your body requires more oxygen during pregnancy.
As your pregnancy progresses, your growing uterus may also put more pressure on your diaphragm, which might make your breathing more labored. If you’re feeling out of breath, try to rest for a few minutes to see if your breathing returns to normal.
If your breathlessness becomes severe or comes on very suddenly, or you start to experience other symptoms such as a rapid or irregular heartbeat, call your health care provider. If you’re unable to get in touch with your doctor or midwife, call 911 or go to the ER.
Hip Pain
By 19 weeks, you should be sleeping on one side or the other. According to the American Pregnancy Association, sleeping on your left side can increase the flow of blood and nutrients to your placenta and baby. If hip pain is making it hard to sleep, try putting a pillow in between your legs.
We know that it can be hard to get a good night’s rest with all the bathroom trips, leg cramps, and general discomfort. Consider investing in a pregnancy pillow for added comfort and support. Many pregnant women find these full-body pregnancy pillows to be among their favorite pregnancy products.
Yeast Infections
A lot is going on down there right now, and the last thing you want is an itchy yeast infection! Unfortunately, due to high estrogen levels during pregnancy, you’re more likely to experience yeast infections. Reach out to your doctor as soon as possible for quick, pregnancy-safe relief.
Baby on Board
At 19 weeks, your baby is measuring 6 inches long and weighs just under half a pound! At your mid-pregnancy ultrasound (typically done between 19 and 20 weeks of pregnancy), you will get to check on your baby's growth, including an in-depth look at their development.
Under Construction: The Lungs
Your baby’s lungs are developing. The main airways, also called bronchioles, are beginning to form this week. Soon, respiratory sacs and eventually alveoli, or tiny air sacs, will develop. The alveoli are where the lungs and blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. By the time your baby is born, these sacs will be filled with blood vessels.
If you pay close attention at your next ultrasound, you might spot your baby taking practice breaths. During these practice breaths, your baby is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid.
Under Construction: Sleep Cycles
Your baby at 19 weeks begins to sleep and wake in more regular patterns. They may also wake up to loud noises and even movement. As you start to feel your baby move more and more, pay attention to the times when they’re most active.
What to Wear This Week
On the hunt for something to wear to your upcoming baby shower or gender reveal party? We love the classic look of the Zora Nursing & Maternity Maxi Dress in Navy. This sexy, stylish, and sustainable maxi dress will be a pregnancy and postpartum wardrobe staple. Did we mention that this maternity dress also has pockets?
Pair it with our Seamless Classic Maternity Bra for ultimate comfort. This wire-free bra is made without nursing clips, and its smooth fabric disappears under clothing. This moderate support bra also features removable padding and convertible straps, making it the perfect addition to your pregnancy wardrobe.
This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice that has been medically reviewed. Please reach out to your midwife or doctor with any questions.